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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

XML Helper for convert class object/List to xml and xml to class object/List conversion

Hi friend's, today we are going to understand ubout XMl Helper for convert class object/List to xml and xml to class object/List convertion.

let's start with example,

Create class for EmployeeDetail

public class EmployeeDetails
        public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
        public string EmployeeName { get; set; }
        public string EmailID { get; set; }
        public List lstEmployeeDetails { get; set; }
Now, we have one class XMLHandler that contains two methods that make our work easy and clean.
  • Method ConvertToXML for Generic code to convert Xml to class object or list.
  • Method Convert for Generic code to convert class object or list to Xml.
public static class XMLHandler
        public static T Convert(string inputString)
              XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T), string.Empty);
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inputString));
              T resultingMessage = (T)(serializer.Deserialize(memStream));
              return resultingMessage;
        public static string ConvertToXML(T obj)
            if (obj == null)
                return string.Empty;
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
            StringWriter sww = new StringWriter();
            using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sww))
                serializer.Serialize(writer, obj);
                return sww.ToString().Replace("", "").Replace(" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\"", ""); // Your XML

To convert List to xml:
Now we will create instance for EmployeeDetails
EmployeeDetails objEmployeeDetails = new EmployeeDetails();
string xml = XMLHandler>.ConvertToXML(objEmployeeDetails. lstEmployeeDetails);
It will return xml as below Figure,

So, that's all guys i hope these will help you to create xml using object/class.
please share this blog if this helpful you.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Improve SQL Query Performance

Hi friend's, today we are going to understand step to improve t-sql query perfomance step by step mention below.

  1. Use EXISTS instead of IN to check existence of data.
  2. Avoid * in SELECT statement. Give the name of columns which you require.
  3. Choose appropriate Data Type. E.g. To store strings use varchar in place of text data type. Use text data type, whenever you need to store large data (more than 8000 characters).
  4. Avoid nchar and nvarchar if possible since both the data types takes just double memory as char and varchar.
  5. Avoid NULL in fixed-length field. In case of requirement of NULL, use variable-length (varchar) field that takes less space for NULL.
  6. Avoid Having Clause. Having clause is required if you further wish to filter the result of an aggregations.
  7. Create Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes.
  8. Keep clustered index small since the fields used in clustered index may also used in non-clustered index.
  9. Most selective columns should be placed leftmost in the key of a non-clustered index.
  10. Drop unused Indexes.
  11. Better to create indexes on columns that have integer values instead of characters. Integer values use less overhead than character values.
  12. Use joins instead of sub-queries.
  13. Use WHERE expressions to limit the size of result tables that are created with joins.
  14. Use TABLOCKX while inserting into a table and TABLOCK while merging.
  15. Use WITH (NOLOCK) while querying the data from any table.
  16. Use SET NOCOUNT ON and use TRY- CATCH to avoid deadlock condition.
  17. Avoid Cursors since cursor are very slow in performance.
  18. Use Table variable in place of Temp table. Use of Temp tables required interaction with TempDb database which is a time taking task.
  19. Use UNION ALL in place of UNION if possible.
  20. Use Schema name before SQL objects name.
  21. Use Stored Procedure for frequently used data and more complex queries.
  22. Keep transaction as small as possible since transaction lock the processing tables data and may results into deadlocks.
  23. Avoid prefix “sp_” with user defined stored procedure name because SQL server first search the user defined procedure in the master database and after that in the current session database.
  24. Avoid use of Non-correlated Scalar Sub Query. Use this query as a separate query instead of part of the main query and store the output in a variable, which can be referred to in the main query or later part of the batch.
  25. Avoid Multi-statement Table Valued Functions (TVFs). Multi-statement TVFs are more costly than inline TVFs.
So, that's all guys i hope these will help you to easy understand this post.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

How to make Visualization Report Using Power BI?

How to use  Power BI Desktop Tool?

  • First we need to Sign up/ Register on Power BI
Fig 1.0

  • For make any Visualization we need some data for visualize through Power BI
    • To get data  go through following step
      • Home Tab --> Get Data
      • Select Data source type which we want to add or use data for our visualization
As shown in below screenshot
Fig 2.0
As shown in above figure there are many types of data sources available.

  • In our example we use SQL Server Database by clicking SQL Server database from list and Click on Connect.
  • By clicking Connect  it prompts a window for Server and database for import data.
  • Enter Server name and Database name and click OK.
  • After Clicking OK, there are one more prompt window “Navigator” which lists the  database objects
  • As shown in above Fig 2.0, select  database objects which we want to use our report, after choosing db objects click on Load.
  • we find selected db objects at right side under  "Fields" pane as shown in Fig 3.0.
Fig 3.0
  • There are wide range of  visualizations available here.Using these Visualizations  we can build reports as our need.
For an example we are going to make report  of sales by category.

As shown in below Fig 4.0, Take a Pie chart  from visualizations grid.

Fig 4.0

  • Now just Drag and Drop the Column or Field from Fields section.
  • We take "CategoryName"  into Legend  and  "ProductSales" into  Values field.
There are many other features are also provided there like
  • Tooltips
  • Filters
  • Details
  • Page level filters
  • Report level filters
There are also Format tab of your report  from using that you can format  your report as per your need.
Fig 5.0
There are options to customize your report like
  • Legend – set legend text, color size and position
  • Data colors – customize data colors
  • Details Labels
  • Title
  • Background 
  • Lock aspect
  • General – set position, width and height of report
  • Border 
You can find the data by clicking Data  Tab  on left side as shown in figure. Also column formatting, adding also available here in data tab.
Fig 6.0
You can also find and manage relationship among db objects or data objects  under "Relationships Tab"  as shown in  below Fig 7.0.
Fig 7.0
Under Relationships Tab, we can easily manage relationships among data objects. We can edit, add or delete relationships  here as shown in above Fig 7.0.
  • After making report  you can publish this report to Power BI
  • Now, publish report to web using following steps
  • File Menu   -->   Publish  --> Publish to Power BI
  • After publishing successfully  go to your PowerBI account
  • You can find the report under "Report Section" on left side menu and Dataset under "Dataset Section".
Hope, This will help you.
Thank You.

SSMS Formatter use with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2016

Hi friend's, today we are going to understand that how to apply Format for your query in SSMS(Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2016).
You just need to go through some steps that mentioned below.
  1. First start the SQL Server (SSMS 2016)
  2. On the top of the Menu --> Tools --> Options

Fig 1.0

After open the Options pop up on left side shown the menu.

  3. Environment --> Keyboard --> under the Show Commands containing.

Fig 2.0

  4. SSMSBoost.Format --> select Use new shortcut in: --> Text Editor --> Press shortcuts keys: Ctrl + k, Ctrl + D --> Click On 'Assign' and then Click 'OK'.
  5. All set to format your Query. Now just write query and apply you Short Cut key.

Hope, This will help you.Thank You.
{ "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "logo": "" }